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Eric Falk, CTO At InvesTRe Wins Tech Talent Of The Year Award

Author: Louis Juste

Last week, during the 3rd edition of the Tech Talent of the Year Award, Dr. Eric Falk, CTO At InvesTRe and serial entrepreneur, took home the esteemed award. With CTOs generally operating outside of the spotlight,’s Tech Talent of the Year Award is a welcome opportunity to celebrate Luxembourg’s best CTOs as well as the teams which support them.

Importantly, the award emphasizes not only the leadership capabilities and innovation talent of the CTO, but also the contributions of the entire development team.

Holding an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Universität des Saarlandes and a PhD. in Computer Science from the University of Luxembourg, the 35-year-old Eric Falk is certainly more than qualified to be a CTO.

Having dedicated the award to his entire team, Eric also briefly talked about the ambitions of InvesTRe, “Our ambition at InvesTRe is to build the number one application to buy and sell sustainable investment funds.”

InvesTRe’s focus on using blockchain technology impressed the entire jury present at the award ceremony. They included Romain Hoffmann (LBAN), Julien Doussot (Telecom Luxembourg), Jani Percic ( and Annabelle Buffart (PwC).

On top of being the Head of IT at InvesTRe, Eric is also co-founder of Filedgr, a file-sharing platform using Blockchain technology, and a managing director of NIUGroup, a Luxembourg-based IT and Services company.

While there can only be one winner, the 4 remaining finalists deserve a special mention for having been selected out of over 100 nominees. Xavier Ledune (ekonoo), Julien Casse (kodehyve), Radu Popa (LUXHUB) and Julien Gras (Technology Partners).

Update courtesy of our content partner site Silicon Luxembourg


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