MOUNT PLEASANT, SC – Kadence Group, a wellbeing accelerator for startups, announced the completion of their first official program, Kadence Core. The program is designed to help entrepreneurs understand how their own mind, body, emotional and spiritual wellbeing can impact their quality of life and business leadership.
The inaugural program attracted 12 entrepreneurs from around the world in industries including emerging tech, healthtech, enterprise tech, cyber security, art, consumer services, venture capital, and e-commerce.
"Building a company is one of the most demanding things an individual can do - it requires all of you, physically, mentally, and emotionally,"
said Kadence Group CEO Sarah Parkins.
“An entrepreneur’s wellbeing has a direct impact on their business’ trajectory, leadership capabilities, and the health of their relationships with employees, clients, and investors.”
A first of its kind, Kadence Core is an 8-week program delivered through virtual sessions led by a wellbeing expert and personalized 1:1 coaching. Kadence Core coaches have certification and years of experience in mind, body, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing disciplines. Supported by their coaches, entrepreneurs identify wellbeing practices, set goals, and track progress to accelerate growth. Outside of group and 1:1 coaching, Core participants are also invited to join a community of founders with a shared desire to pursue their own wellbeing in tandem with business growth.
“Our programs provide information and practical skills to target key areas such as sleep, stress reduction, mindset, identity, values, the power of emotions, connected communication, and team dynamics,” said Dr. Melissa E. Milanak, Kadence Group’s Chief Wellbeing Officer.
Recent participants shared their reflections on the program’s impact with the Kadence Group leadership team. "I never thought about my wellbeing as it relates to my business before this program," said one participant. "But after going through the program, I realized that my wellbeing is not only essential to my own success as an entrepreneur, it's also essential to the success of my business."
Kadence Group is focused on building strategic partnerships with venture funds, innovation and entrepreneurship labs, accelerators, and other organizations. As the world of venture funding evolves, funds and other organizations are seeing the value of improving the sustainability of their practices; this includes investing in the wellbeing of portfolio entrepreneurs.
“We made the strategic decision to partner with Kadence Group to support our portfolio of founders and it has been one of the best decisions we made,” said Mark Phillips, Managing Partner at 11 Tribes Ventures. “Knowing that each of the leaders in our portfolio is receiving the transformative knowledge and support that Kadence Group provides gives us a high level of conviction that the companies we are working with will have every opportunity to build the sustainable, durable, and profitable organizations they've dreamt about,” said Phillips.
Kadence Group is also delighted to announce a partnership with Centred Wellness, an invite-only B2B wellness marketplace valued at $25 million. As part of the new partnership, Centred fitness founders will gain access to Kadence Core programming. Lead trainers and studio owners will now have additional support for mind, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Kadence Core alum will also benefit from this partnership through receiving access to Centred Wellness fitness classes.
Interested entrepreneurs can apply for the next cohort on their website.
Venture funds interested in having their portfolio founders go through this program should contact Kadence Group (hello@findkadence.com) for more information.

About Kadence Group: Kadence Group’s mission is to enhance the wellbeing of entrepreneurs through cohort-based learning, world-class coaching, and community support. In establishing wellbeing as the cornerstone of entrepreneurial success, Kadence Group aims to create an ecosystem where healthy leaders sow seeds that become the thriving businesses and communities of tomorrow.
About Sarah Parkins: Sarah Parkins has over 20 years of international business experience in the United Kingdom and the United States. Sarah is a multi-time entrepreneur having begun three professional service companies, and has held corporate leadership roles in the disciplines of consulting, finance, technology, and sales management.
About Dr. Melissa E. Milanak: Dr. Melissa E. Milanak is a licensed clinical psychologist, executive consultant, keynote speaker, and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina specialized in helping professionals develop a mindset focused on overcoming work and personal challenges. Melissa earned her undergraduate degree at Bucknell University, her PhD in Clinical & Community Psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and her post-doctoral training at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC).
About Mark Phillips: Mark currently serves as Managing Partner at 11 Tribes Ventures. Before launching 11 Tribes Ventures, Mark was a management consultant, focused on M&A between corporations and growth stage startups. Mark earned his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, focusing heavily on entrepreneurial finance and strategic management. He is an adjunct professor of finance at his alma mater, Wheaton College.